The story behind our name

A day that changed my life and became the inspiration for our firm name.


In 2016, I was rushed to the emergency room with a crushing pain in my chest. I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and spent seven days in the hospital.

During those seven days, I received treatment from an amazing team of nurses, doctors, and physician assistants.

This experience forever changed my views of healthcare providers. I was in awe of the time, energy, dedication and passion they put into making me feel like I was number one, despite their exhausting schedules. After my release, I decided healthcare professionals were who I wanted to work with. From there, the name Providers & Families was born.

Things have changed somewhat since then. I quickly found that many healthcare professionals were too busy to make planning a priority, and I also found that many of them were (rightfully) cautious of financial professionals who were often predatory and took advantage of them.

I am still in awe of the incredible selfless work they do, but it’s a competitive, crowded market space, with lots of big-name firms with more marketing dollars to throw at getting their message to them. As a result, most of the healthcare professionals we serve come to us as referrals from existing clients who work in the healthcare space. 

In 2017, I met another financial advisor, who soon became my partner, and eventually my wife. She focused on serving divorced women and millennials. While we continue to serve doctors, nurses, and physician assistants, we also serve other hard-working, white-collar professionals, because they need our help too. Plus, a lot of them provide for their families, just like healthcare professionals provide for their patients.

If you’re a nurse, doctor or physician assistant (or any other profession for that matter!), and feel like you could benefit from speaking with us, we welcome you to reach out for a consultation. Our number one goal is to make your financial life easier, so if you are serious about financial success, let’s chat! 


Schedule a consultation today to see if it makes sense to start your financial planning journey!


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